How to Minimize Disruption During
an Efficient Office Renovation
in Dubai


Office renovation in Dubai is like updating your office’s software. It hits the refresh button in your employees’ minds and they feel like they’re taking a new start.

Studies have shown that it's not just the new constructions that are doing great. Since 2020, when things got tough for the market, the older buildings that got a renovation performed really well.

Although renovation has many benefits, the process a company goes through when renovating is troublesome. Employers don’t want delays at work. You don't want to disturb your employees' normal work routine. And deciding whether you should keep your business open or close for about 4 to 5 weeks during renovations is a big decision.

That's why companies need to find a way to undergo a renovation without any trouble. This article will walk you through the strategies of efficient office renovation in Dubai by minimizing the disruption.

Make Employees Feel Like Participants of the Renovation

The first thing to do when undergoing an office renovation in Dubai is bringing yourself and your employees on the same page. They should feel comfortable with what’s happening. And to do that you want to make them feel like participant’s of what’s happening in the office. Make sure they have a say in the renovation. When you do that, they are less likely to cause nuisance and work with full potential on days that aren’t normal.

After that you want to make sure to keep the people working with you safe. You need to consider how to protect the workers and avoid things that might slow down the work. Plan carefully for moving into the new space so that everything goes well. If you think ahead and plan everything well, you can keep things going smoothly and keep everyone safe and happy.

In case you undergo a renovation that requires you to remove employees temporarily from the office scene, you can offer them WFH (work from home). Make sure they have all the necessary data and files stored on the cloud. As a result, they get access from anywhere using any device with the internet. Usually companies have networks, databases and servers to keep all their files safe and they store them on cloud so that employees can always use them.

Schedule Quick Modular Constructions on Weekends

Modular construction is a practical way to quickly and quietly transform offices. Imagine you're using prefabricated parts, like oversized Lego pieces, to transform your workspace on Saturdays or Sundays. These parts, such as walls, dividers, and entire office sections, easily fit together to create a seamless transformation process. If you’re confused about this, you can contact an interior design firm in Dubai like Fajr interiors and they’ll do the work necessary for an efficient office renovation in Dubai.

Advantages of Modular Construction

Modular constructions are faster than old methods and they don't cause typical chaos of renovations such as noise, dust, and disruption. It’s because most of the work takes place off-site. And when it's time to set up in your office, you do it easily without any messy rehearsal.

In modular construction, you can easily take apart setups and rearrange whenever you want to make changes. This way, your office quickly adapts to your business's needs without any nuisance. You can also update your office space without interrupting your team's workflow.

Schedule the More Intrusive Tasks for Off-Peak Hours

There are tasks in office renovation that require the absence of office employees. So instead of shutting down the whole office at once, you target one area at a time. This helps you to keep the rest of the office running smoothly. That’s why you should schedule the loudest and most disruptive tasks after the office is closed. Not only will it make your team stay focused and productive, it will get the work done quickly.

Flexible Work Arrangements

When some place in the office needs to be put on hold for renovations, and you think that it will require a day, you can also allow employees to work from home. The thing is to make sure that renovations are done with no disruptions during office hours.

However, most of the renovation work gets usually done during regular office hours. But if a catastrophic condition occurs, you can schedule meetings or projects for times when the renovation isn't happening. And the best way to do that is allowing your employees to work from home. This will also help them to stay on the track with deadlines.

Pick Someone With a Portfolio of Successful Office Renovations

You can’t successfully renovate your office without hiring an experienced professional who has successfully completed many office renovations in the past. You want to hire a person who knows how to work around a busy office without causing too much disturbance.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Fajr Interiors in of the companies offering efficient office renovation in Dubai. Their team is full of professionals. They know how to communicate effectively because your ideal contractor should be a good listener and a great communicator.

Some other things that a professional renovation company possesses is the ability to keep you updated and respond quickly to your questions or concerns. They know how to do the renovation effectively and how to keep the place clean after they’re done. So before you decide to hire one, make sure they have all these qualities and a portfolio of the work they have done in the past.

Seek Permission from Authorities

Efficient office renovation in Dubai requires you to follow the rules from the Dubai Municipality and Dubai Civil Defence. These permissions take care of things like safety, how the building looks, and making sure it's safe from fires. So before you start renovating your office, you need approval for changes to the building, like for electricity and plumbing. You can hire Fajr Interiors to help you with all the paperwork and make sure everything goes smoothly.

Compliance and Approvals

Note that permits like Development Application (DA) or Construction Certificate (CC) might change depending on if the renovation you’re undergoing is necessary and it won’t cause big disruptions. You get these approvals from the local council or a private certifier. Fajr Interiors can help you with all this.

Remember to pay close attention to these rules as they’re meant for safety and keeping up with environmental standards. Choosing the right partners like Fajr Interiors who understand local regulations can make your work easy and help your office renovation project complete successfully.


It’s not about an efficient office renovation in Dubai. Renovations anywhere can boost employee morale and performance, according to the studies. Although the renovation process can disrupt work routines, you can minimize it by involving employees in planning and overall project. You can try modular constructions which can be done over weekends and are quick and quiet. Schedule intrusive tasks for off-peak hours to avoid unnecessary troubles. Make sure to choose experienced contractors like Fajr Interiors who know how to get approvals from authorities and get the work done pretty efficiently.

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